What we love about it:
the fast pace story line
the action
the small romantic story lines
the likeable characters (Marshall is our favorite for his comic relief)
it's on DVD so NO COMMERCIALS! :)
Soon, we will be finished with this series and will need something new to occupy our time. Anyone else share our Alias obsession? Any suggestions for series that are similar to this one? What are you watching these days?
I looooved Alias - we also watched it on DVD and it was FABULOUS. Sorry, I don't have any other suggestions...but I bet the Heasleys would have some good ones for you!!
SOOO loved Alias and to date it is still my all time favorite show! I love Jenifer Gardner and Matthew Vartan. If you never got into the 24 series it is pretty good and is now over and can be watched on DVD.
We watched Alias a couple of summers ago. We also loved it!! So far its been one of our favorites. I also suggest 24.
This was our FAVORITE show! We watched it from season right up to the finale...we had to put up with commercials though. We love Marshall too! He's so goofy and sweet! : )
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