Trevor's D.I. team is hosting a Yard Sale this Saturday, May 8th, at his elementary school to raise more money to pay for their trip to Tennessee. If you would like to DONATE ITEMS to sell at the yard sale you can drop them off at the school any time this week. We would also love it if you would like to ATTEND the Yard Sale and PURCHASE items. Here are the details again:
Saturday, May 8th
@ Trevor's school
7:00 AM - 12 noon
Saturday, May 8th
@ Trevor's school
7:00 AM - 12 noon
Please click the HERE or the picture below if you would like to donate by credit card via PayPal to support our fundraising efforts to get these kids to Global Finals in Tennessee May 25-29, 2010. (You can also just click the PayPal button at the top right of this blog to donate to the very same account - all donations go to the same D.I. account)

We need all the help we can get!! Your donation is tax deductible. Please use the Tax Code on the D.I. webpage for your tax purposes.
Thank you for your support!
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