Our last bit of the trip down to see Jeremy's sister, Kristen, took us to the LA Temple. We stopped for a short visit after we left the La Brea Tar Pit Museum.
The kids love visiting the temple and hearing all of mommy and daddy's stories from before they were born. "Mommy and Daddy were married in the temple. Not here in LA, but in Oakland." "Matt and Aimee were married in this temple - so were Grandma and Grandpa - and Kristen and Doug! Emma was just a brand new baby when Kristen and Doug were married..." and on and on the stories go.
Logan with Angel Moroni

Looking at this picture makes me wonder where the time has gone. When did these kids grow up?! It seems like yesterday they were all just little babies and now, they are real, grown up people. Except Jackson of course - will he ever grow up? "These are the doors that Matt and Aimee walked out of just after they were married in the temple" (yet another story).
Speaking of Jackson... is that not the cutest - yet mischievous grin? Note the Goo-gah is always in tow...
Jackson so badly wanted to go swimming in this "pool" on the temple grounds. It did look very inviting, but sadly it is just for decoration - no swimming allowed Jackson boy. [Jackson is sitting here with me "helping" type out this post. He just said, "Mommy, I go swimming dat one pool. I go swimming dat one!" I said, "So sorry, not today". He says, "Why, mommy, why?]
Here's a great shot of the "other" Ward Family as we walked around to the front of the temple. It's almost Christmas card worthy.
Just being there on the temple grounds gave each of us a moment to reflect on those things that are most important to us. Our faith and our family. We got our eternal perspectives lined up again (that perspective seems to fall out of sight sometimes with the normal hustle and bustle of everyday life) and were all so grateful for the sealing power that binds us together as a family forever.
We packed a lot of fun into one short weekend and this last stop was the perfect way to end a great trip.
Ohhh...pretty! I think that family picture would make a great christmas card, pump up the contrast and even turn it sepia or b&w....ohhh...so fun! You always have amazing photos, Jennifer and I like the board on your wall, beautiful! Someday it will go back to being just a board, because that won't be "stylish" anymore (remember dusty rose and dusty blue decor?)...but NOW people pay big bucks (at least here) for wood like that...seriously! Soooo lucky, it's gorgeous!
Love your pic with "the tree". Not just any tree, it's "the tree" to the Pollock family. I had no idea what they were talking about until I went to the LA temple for the first time.
That brings back many memories of marriage before kids. That was our temple when Justin and I lived in Bakersfield and we went all the time. Love it. Don't you feel the Spirit when you take your kids and talk to them about what the temple is for? Me too;)
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