The kids did not get up super early - about 6AM. We were both grateful for that considering the late night we usually have the night before Christmas... They were also up several times that night (Jeremy can tell you more about that - I didn't hear a thing!) just to "check" if Santa had come. They really just want to catch a glimpse of him in our house.
Trevor wrote a letter to Santa this year. First time he's ever done that. He asked for a spy gear something or other and guess what?! Santa sent him a letter back! (I just love those postal workers. They have their own "Santa Letter" they send out to any kid that mails a letter to the North Pole. It had a handwritten signature and everything!) And guess what else? Santa delivered.
Logan asked for a drum this year. I know, I know. Why did we do this to ourselves? It's all about the Christmas morning magic.
Lizzie also wrote a letter to Santa. Remember this? When mommy would not purchase these dollies at the store she decided she'd ask Santa to bring them instead. And he did!
Jackson did not get up until about 8:30. It was great. He got enough sleep and we got to open presents in peace. When he did finally get up he was not interested in opening gifts until he realized there was something cool inside. Can you guess? TRAINS of course! He got about 20 new little train pieces with tracks and was in hog heaven the rest of the day.
I've been drooling over this Willow Tree Nativity set for awhile. I was stoked to find it waiting for me! That's my "are-you-seriously-taking-my-picture-after-I-just-woke-up" face.
Here's what daddy looked like most of the morning. He loves to Flip! Until he opened his big gift....
...a fancy schmancy back-packing water purifier! I was impressed that it came with about 15 different instruction manuals all in different languages.
This next picture may be a little fuzzy, but let me tell you about the tradition that goes along with it. I don't know when it started, but one year Jeremy decided to get a little silly with the gift tags. He would put inside jokes on all the labels. Like this one, it says, "To: Onion Soup (I LOVE LOVE French Onion Soup) From: Corn Chowder (Jeremy's favorite is Mimi's Cafe Corn Chowder)". Was that funny to anyone else? Or just me? Guess you had to be there...
It was probably the best Christmas morning we've ever had. Jeremy piped Mormon Tabernacle Choir music through the house, we gorged ourselves with hot chocolate, cinnamon rolls, ham bakes, chips and dip, cider, sugar sodas, IBC Rootbeer, Chile Verde nachos, candy, candy and more candy, and had a lovely time being together.
Your pictures are so cute - and the one of you...yeah right, you look amazing...who could possibly look that awesome just rolling out of bed (NOT ME). Looks like you guys had an amazing Christmas and I hope you have an even Happier New Year!
I like your blog!! Although, it's kind of crazy to see so many kids around one Christmas tree :)
Corn chowder for the corniest of them all!
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