That's actually ham in this picture, but check out dad's shirt. It's Ralphie from The Christmas Story!
There's the prime rib - mom was guarding it from the samplers that kept walking by.
Check out Amy's cute red maternity top. I like Samuel's sympathy pregnant belly he's showing off here.
After dinner we opened presents. Jackson was totally into the gifts - he was a pro after learning how to open presents that morning.
And what's a Christmas party without a GORILLA?!
After presents we did dessert. Boy we eat a lot of sweets during the holidays! There's my favorite again - Cherry Cream Pie!
Trevor likes it too - look at that enthusiasm!
That's my Grandma Dee Dee.
These two are engaged at last - since Thanksgiving actually. This is their "engaged" Christmas together - awww... how sweet!
Thanks to Mom and Dad for another great Christmas. I know I've said it before, but just being together really is the best part of it all. And maybe that gorilla suit...
Okay, I must be a total geek because that gorilla suit it totally crackin me up! Hilarious. Too bad you didn't have video of the reactions - I bet it was priceless. My kids would've peed their pants.
What an awesome Christmas. I just love getting together with family too. Oh and the last pic with the engaged couple, I love Lizzie's rface in the background. Super cute kid. :)
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