The Clovis Christmas Electric Parade happens each year on the first weekend in December. As you may remember, my family, the Durans ARE parade people. We love to watch people. It's in our blood. The Wards, however, ARE NOT. Jeremy agreed to go again because he knows how much the kids love it. What a great guy. He tried desperately to recruit some of his family members and some friends. The only ones he could convince were the Edwardsons - minus Rick.
The parade got started a little late so the kids had to entertain themselves. They were all "dared" by Jeremy to run out into the middle of the street to do a little dance for 30 seconds. They were hesitant at first, but quickly caught on that it was fun to play in the street - they never EVER get to do that! So while they were entertained the adults got to visit for awhile. We froze our buns off, but had a fun time being with everyone. By the end of the night Jeremy had decided that we need to be IN THE PARADE next year. He already has his dad working on a float plan. Stay tuned and see if we actually do it...
I want to know if there are any more parade people out there or if we're just weird with our people watching. Are you a parade person?
Love to do the parade thing. We missed it this year. Trevor's favorite part of the parade last year was when at the end of the parade there was bunch of street sweepers come following the parade. He was in Heaven as that is his dream job.
I. Can't. Stand. Parades.
Luckily, Roger detests them even more than I do, so there isn't any conflicts (in that department at least) haha
Of course! We even went before we had kids! It's all about Candy Cane's a great parade! We went, we froze, we got sprinkled with glitter and we stayed to the very end so the kids could to wave to Santa!
No, I am not a parade person but happened to be in downtown Marysville on the day of the Veteran's parade... Yikes! Talk about small town parade!!! After an hour of watching every fire truck, police car and motorcycle in the area come down the street (not to mention the hundreds of air force guys and a few hs bands) I had to leave! My kids loved every minute of it... it took everything I had to stay as long as we did. They want to go again next year. ya...
My family is totally parade people. We attend the Visalia Candy Cane Lane Parade (the largest and the best christmas parade in the valley!)every year. Channel 30 even does a narrative and shows it on t.v. another night! Then we have yummy treats and hot chocolate. My Mom and Aunt have done multiple floats for the parade and this year was no exception. A beautiful float with Joseph, Mary and Jesus. Played by my bro-in-law, sister and 2 month old nephew. We will save any places if you ever want to attend. The first Monday night after Thanksgiving every year! In case you missed it, we have it recorded on our DVR, so come on over and watch it with us. It is a fun family tradition!
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