Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Terrible twos are TERRIBLE!

Jackson, Jackson, Jackson. I thought he was a little too quiet this morning. Later, I thought he was carrying around a baggie full of Legos. Even later, I went into my room to fold laundry and saw this:

AH! Those were not Legos in his bag! They were computer keyboard keys and parts! Needless to say, I was FREAKING OUT. First of all I could see my whole day going down the drain for his few minutes of destruction. And secondly (yes, I thought of myself first and my husband second - awful, I know.) this computer isn't even ours! It belongs to FUSD. He loves to pop off those little keys - they make such a good popping sound when they fly off. I've had to repair laptops before when he's pulled off only a few keys and it's taken FOR-EV-ER. Those tiny little white plastic pieces are a nightmare to put back together.

So I freaked out a little more and scoured the 3 foot area where he worked this thing and collected as many pieces as I could find. I sat down to piece this puzzle back together and realized the first 2 keys took about 10 minutes! How long was this going to take?! I had to find a picture of the exact same keyboard online - do you know where all the keys go on a laptop? Not all keyboards are created equal - I'll tell you that right now. My fingers found their groove and it only took a total of about 45 minutes all together. So here I type on my newly put back together keyboard and I notice that not all the keys feel just right. Maybe I didn't find all the pieces after all.

This is only one of our many "Jackson Monster" stories. Remember this one with the toilet and floor repair. Oh yes, and how many fish has he killed in our little fish tank? Who knows! Do you have a two-year-old moment like this one?

So in the last 10 minutes that I've taken to type up this post Jackson emptied an entire box of Cocoa Pebbles onto the kitchen floor and dumped buckets of toilet water onto the floor in the upstairs bath. All I can say is thank heavens for naptime!


Piano Mom said...

It's a good thing he is so darn cute!

Anonymous said...

LOL!! This post made my day!!

award said...

I LOVE action Jackson! I'm sorry he tests you EVERYday... but, I can't imagine the compound without him!

Anonymous said...

You need to write a book... Life with Jackson! So great! H

rebecca @ older and wisor said...

Is it only at age two? Dang it...I got a few "busy" children and it certainly didn't end on their third birthday (come to think of it, I'm not really sure if it ever ended!)

Grin and bear it and pray for patience that he can survive long enough to make it into kindergarten :)

Anonymous said...

OH YAAAA! so My kids are not the only one that have discovered the joy of popping keys off the laptops...
be aware each time that happens, those little white plastic dealies, get weaker and weaker and soon you will be replacing the keyboard, been there, done that... twice... can you guess which kid?!?!

How can you not just scoop him up and give him a hug? he is just so cute....

Amy said...

He is just the CUTEST little thing!

Lauren said...

YEAH! Sounds like Jackson is the life of the house...I'm guessing that you are never bored. You had a toilet problem too? My Gordy-boy once flushed a Little People figure, golf ball, and my cell phone down the toilet. That was interesting...
Thanks for making me laugh!

Scott and Rashelle said...

Sooooooooo funny...since Izek did the same thing to our computer. I'll just say we did not find it very cute at all. Good thing we can blame it on the terrible two's right!? I love boys...always taking things apart. :)