So Fresno is going crazy right now over the baseball teams national championship. Matt and I are trying to soak the experience in as much as possible because who knows when it will happen again. What better way then to take the kids with Mom and Dad to the welcome home parade held at the campus. Even better, I think that the rest of Fresno feels the same way. I've never seen so many happy people at any gathering, it was like it was christmas morning for the town of Fresno.
Emma and Maddy made a great sign to show the players. Coach Batesole got all the people in his cart to check it out. It was a very proud moment for Matt. The photographer for Fresno Magazine stopped to take a few pictures of the kids and get names.

Hopefully we'll see them in next month's issue.

There was quite a large group there. The crowd got quite a bit thicker closer to the stadium.

And I thought I was a fan. This guy got a tattoo (apparently sometime last night) that he was very proudly displaying for the players as they came past. I'm not sure what to say about that... (actually I think his kids faces say it all)

The kids (and the Dad's) thought it was pretty cool to see the team as they came by.

College World Series Most Outstanding Player Tommy Mendonca in the front and game hero last night Steve Detwiler right behind him.

My Dad took our family when I was around seven to the last big parade Fresno had when the basketball team won the NIT. I vaguely remember the experience. Hopefully we'll have more of these experiences in the years to come, in the mean time were trying to enjoy the moment and hope we don't have to wait as long for the next one.
Oh and for Kristen and Julio, yes you will be hearing about this for the rest of your life. Shoulda been a Bulldog!
Where did the Fresno State coach go to college????
I'm not sure, but obviously he was dying to get away from there!
Ha, those kids sure look proud of Daddy. Tyler was pretty bummed. Our ward Temple day was that morning and I think he seriously thought of not going because he is such a huge Fresno State fan. I honestly would have understood, but I'm proud of him anyway.
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