*Special thanks to my most awesome super-amazing husband that helped with the set-up, clean-up and kid care without complaint. What a great guy... thanks babe, you rock.
Operation Homecoming: Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Home Front, in the Words of U.S. Troops and Their Families by Andrew Carroll was our title this month. I have to admit that I did not get through the entire book - not even the first section. It wasn't for lack of interest - I just never made time to sit down and read this month - sad excuse, I know. The whole book is narratives of those that have served in the military and some of their family members' experiences. The few stories I read were very real and gave a great perspective for what our U.S. troops must endure in service for our country. It is not pro or anti-war as both sides are represented but not pushed upon the reader. And I'm told that it contains some graphic scenes and hard language - obviously, this is what to expect with war. I do recommend this book to adults.
All the book club ladies that read this book gave it a thumbs up. They all agreed that it gave them a greater appreciation for our troops and for those loved ones they hold dear.
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