We finally got around to painting that living room during the week of Spring Break. (That was back at Easter time, just last month.) It was no easy task by any means. Those walls go up 17 feet and we are not the types to get out and rent scaffolding. That meant using a super tall leaning ladder and climbing up and down and up and down to get all the way around the edges. Ahem...
Jeremy went up and down and up and down. I am waaaay chicken to climb up that high. I did settle on the color Bungalow Gold from Lowe's. It's one of the Eddie Bower Signature Colors. I am so drawn to those rich hues. I am still lacking in my attempts to tie the two rooms together. This room will need many more pops of the blue color from the family room to make it feel cohesive. I'm working on it. Maybe some homemade artwork or some more pillows.
So here are several "Before"s and "After"s for your viewing pleasure.

AFTERAhhhhh. Color! Doesn't it feel so much warmer?

The piano moved to the wall where that brown chest was sitting before.

I just love this little vingette over the piano. The black just pops against the new paint. Mmmmm... it's so delicious to the eyes.

This is the opposite view of the room - standing with my back to the piano. Notice 2 pillows in the "blue" color of the Living Room. And it's hard to see, but there is the same blue in the new rug on the floor.


the finished product

Those wrapped fabric frames look soooo much better with the dark color behind them. And I just had to give you a visual treat with the bathroom color peeking down the hallway.
BEFORERemember back to
this post where I was not totally satisfied with the results?

(Again, same room, different view.)

I think the wall color totally fixed the problem. The black frames look awesome next to this rich caramely color. I'm even ok with all the pictures not all being in black and white.
That's about it for this room. There are more projects that contiue upstairs with this same wall color, but that will be for another time. I am always amazed at what paint - just paint - will do for the feeling in a room. This makeover was so worth all the time it took to get it to this point. Special thanks to my excellent hubby for making my decorating dreams come true!
Looks great. Yay for Jeremy! Those walls look HIGHly daunting to climb and paint.
I love what you did with the fabric covered frames; where did you get that idea? I'm going to have to try that!
Love it.
HOW LUCKY ARE YOU? My husband doesn't paint. Ever. Not because I don't let him, but because that's "not his thing." Two of our houses have had super tall walls and when I was done I declared that they would never EVER change color because I didn't ever want to have to deal with a 12 foot extension ladder again.
It looks so gorgeous! Any gold/beige/caramel colored goodness gets me everytime. I've tried lots of different colors for variety, but I always come back to the "yummy" colors.
And with the blue....have you thought about painting the piano bench with some leftover paint? And maybe gettting some super thin MDF (and paint it too)to "line" the back of your bookcases (you wouldn't want to paint out the actual bookcase)? It would brighten them up, show off the stuff in them more AND tie in the blue again. Just a thought.
Tell Jeremy BEAUTIFUL JOB. It looks incredible.
Ok for real! Your words were to kind because I feel the same thing about you! I guess people were right when then talked about us being alike! I just want to know when you are gonna come do this to my house. I love it! H
Oh and I am gonna be coming this summer so we will for sure need a day to hang out. I will keep you posted! H
Very nice. It is hard to pick a color that works well, especially in the yellow hues. Greta job.
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