Robb took a nice family picture for us

Jeremy practiced his photography skills - this one turned out nice. Dandelions focused in front with a blurry background. I liked it.
You'd think these kids never did an Easter Egg hunt before. Sheesh! They were so giddy! Note the VONS bag in place of baskets - we never can remember to bring baskets.
Jackson was more interested in unwrapping the chocolate eggs than collecting them.
Later that night we began the egg dying. Look closely at Lizzie's forehead. What is that? A unibrow?
Logan passed out before we started dying eggs and slept through the whole thing. Aw man!
I thought FIVE DOZEN eggs would have taken a little longer than our usual 10 minutes - yeah, it only took 15! Let me tell you - the Easter Bunny had a hard time hiding all these eggs the next morning. It's hard to find hiding spots for 60 eggs!
Easter morn was lovely just spending time together...
Here's Logan's Easter Basket. Notice the Pokemon theme. How does that Easter Bunny know exactly what they like?
Jeremy cooked up a yummy breakfast after our egg hunt. He found a new way to cook pancakes. He dyed the batter 4 different colors and made them look like....
Easter eggs!
This one is a cyclops with an overeasy egg in the middle. Cool, but only if you like the runny yolk...
The kids looked great after a sugary breakfast and fun morning of new toys. Jackson was still working on a piece of candy here.
Later that evening, after church, we went over to my parents for another non-traditional Easter meal. You can't go wrong with tri-tip baby! Mmm! It was a feast for sure. Jeremy cooked up a sweet potato casserole just like the famous Ruth's Chris Restaurant recipe.
Mom and Mica outdid themselves by hanging eggs from the trees and having an egg hunt set up in the front yard for the kids as soon as they arrived! The best were the confetti filled eggs. Grandpa Louie let the kids crack them over his head and he spent the entire night with confetti flakes in his hair! I wish we had the camera - it was priceless!
It was a great day full of family, food and special rememberances of the Savior throughout.
(Did anyone count how many times I used the word "egg" in this post? It sure felt like a lot!)
Wow! Those pancakes look a little funky...cute, but funky. Wish we could have been with you at Easter. I am excited to see you this weekend!
They tasted a little funky too. But it was fun. We'll see you Friday!
Okay, you are likely the cutest family out there! I can't believe that you find any time at all to make funky egg pancakes!
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