Ok, I know cemetery is spelled with a C, but it just sounded like a cool title. So here we go!
We began our day with a trip to Harvard or "Hahvad". We drove around and around and around until we got to where we wanted to be. (Jared was a great sport while we all gave our back-seat-driver input!)
FIRST we bought our souvenirs.
THEN we visited the famous "Hahvad Yahd". The girls posed first - flashing th letter H in sign language.
The boys posed next with both hands flashing the letter H (H for Harvard of course). If you know anything about my family you will know that this "sign" that the boys flashed is also the official family sign made up by my brothers - it means "Big Fuchi". Classic.
Inside the yard we saw he main Harvard Library - which you cannot enter unless you have a current student ID. It contains 3 million books and has 50 MILES of shelf space for all those books.
Opposite the Library there is a Memorial Church. Jeremy and I tried to make a letter H. How'd we do?
We made our way to Lexington and Concord after we were done with our school tour. Just off the freeway was the Boston Temple. Jeremy stuck his head out the sunroof to get this shot. 65 mph with 42 degree weather makes for about at 25 degree wind chill. He was beyond cold when he popped his head back into the car!
In Lexington was a statue of the Minute Man.
We visited the house where the Minute Men met before the Battle of Lexington.
Our journey continued alongside the same road traveled by those Minute Men that defended our country against the British. In the background you will see Northbridge. This is the spot where "the shot was heard around the world".
We got a little silly as we admired the bridge. Here's Jeremy flexing his muscles.
Ta Da!
We were trying to take a casual romantic photograph here.
Then Robb got into that action. We don't quite know what he was trying to do here...
Matt and Aimee actually DID get romantic. Whew!
There was still snow on the ground - and yes, we did have cold fingers and toes most of the time.
At the end of our visit to the Northbridge Visitor Center Buffy caught Jeremy's silly feeling and showed us her special leaps! Go Buff! She's sooo graceful.
The Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Concord, Massachusetts was also on our way and we knew we wanted to see the famous authors that were buried there: Henry David Thoreau Walden Pond, Ralph Waldo Emerson poet, Louisa May Alcott Little Women, and Nathanial Hawthorne The Scarlet Letter. (No, this is not the Johnny Depp, scary, Halloween Sleepy Hollow - that one is in New York.)
Ralph Waldo Emerson the poet.
Louisa May Alcott wrote Little Women.
On the way back to Boston we stopped at The Orchard House is the house that Louisa May Alcott grew up in. She wrote Little Women from here.
Matt was in heaven as we made a much anticipated stop at Fenway Park - home of the Boston Red Sox.
This sign is original to the park when it opened in 1912.
After Fenway Park we drove back to the hotel and tried to finish the Freedom Trail that we began yesterday.
We began at the graveyard across the street from our hotel. It is the home to many famous historical graves. Our collective favorite was the grave of Paul Revere. It was a somber moment as we paid our respects to a man that had a great deal to do with our country's history. He was so much more than the man that rode through the town to alert the people that the "British are coming!"
On our way to dinner we passed this lovely statue of a donkey with bronze elephant footprints on the ground in front of him. So we put Matt (the most liberal of us all) on the donkey and Robb (the most conservative) in the elephant footprints. It is a perfect symbol of the Ward family political debates.
We had dinner at Kennedy's Restaurant - an Irish bar and grill - as we all wanted an authentic Irish meal to celebrate St. Patrick's Day the following day. They had a live band playing for us - it was sooo loud, but totally fun. If you look closely at the band, behind Kari and Robb, you can see the lead singer in the pink shirt. He looked so similar to Greg Lambourne - it was uncanny! He was quite the people person just like Greg too! It was almost like he was there with us.
Here's what I ate - Lobster Ravioli. It was good, but not my favorite. Matt had the Corned Beef and cabbage and Jeremy ate the Bangers and Mash (Irish sausage with mashed potatoes).
Here we ended our day, happy and full of good food. Don't forget to wear green tomorrow!
We like the "big fuchi" signs at Harvard! Very classy. =)
That was my shout out to Thomas...
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