Our movie of choice was the new Disney show The Princess and the Frog. It has been a long time since Disney released their last princess movie. And this is a traditional princess movie - no 3D (we'll be so happy when the 3D movie phase is over!), no computer graphics, no modern animation whatsoever! It was a real, down home, animated movie like they've always made in the past.
The animators that created the look of this movie were the same ones that did Beauty and the Beast and Aladdin. There were many similarities to those older movies in the look and feel of this show and I liked that.
The movie is set in New Orleans. We visited New Orleans a few years ago and it was quite a treat to see all of those places again. Of course they were animated, but still - it was fun to watch them come alive on the screen.
The music was fun (Mama Odie's song "Dig a Little Deeper" was my favorite!), the southern accents were so great, the story entertaining, the scary parts were not too scary, and it all wraps up so nicely in the end - just as it should in a fairy tale story.
Take your family to a matinee during Christmas Break if you can afford it or just wait for it to come out on DVD. It is a must watch show. Your kids will tap their feet and clap their hands to the beat in several of the songs.
We give it 4 wishing stars out of 5.
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