1. What if 1,000,000 people are all praying at the same time? Can Heavenly Father really hear all of them?
2. How old are you when you get the priesthood?
3. When I get baptized will all the bad words be washed out of my head?
4. What does the Holy Ghost look like?
5. What does the Holy Ghost feel like?
6. Where is the Holy Ghost right now?
7. What happens if I sin after I'm baptized?
8. Where is heaven?
9. What did it feel like when you got baptized?
A few of his questions had to be answered with, "We won't know the answer to that question until we can ask Heavenly Father face to face." But most of them we could give him a good solid answer that he could wrap his head around. It was great to be able to have that time to bear our testimonies to him and watch him grow in the gospel.
And he was ready by the time his baptism interview came around. By this point, we'd been over the reasons why we get baptized many times:
1. to become a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
2. to follow Jesus' example
3. to return to live with Heavenly Father
And when the day arrived he was prepared as best as he could have been.
Here are several pictures from just before the baptism. They look so good in their "whites".
Logan & parents
The cousins got baptized on the same day! Congrats to Maddy too!

What a great moment...
two brothers baptizing their kids on the same day.

The special musical number by all the cousins - don't they ALL look thrilled?
Logan did perfect in the overly warm water. One dunk. One big grin. Perfect. Even his spiky hair was perfect. Jeremy didn't even have to comb it after they got dressed!
The next day takes the cake for my favorite moment of the weekend. Everyone returned for our sacrament meeting to see Logan get confirmed. He was so nervous to be up in front of the entire congregation, but we convinced him it wouldn't be so bad - he'd be encircled by family members and it would be like he was in his own little room during the whole thing. He thought that was pretty cool. After the confirmation was finished he sat down by me and leaned over to whisper, "Mom, I feel all tingly." Oh, melt my heart! He'd been waiting for that moment for so long! In that moment I knew that he knew what he had done was right.
The next day takes the cake for my favorite moment of the weekend. Everyone returned for our sacrament meeting to see Logan get confirmed. He was so nervous to be up in front of the entire congregation, but we convinced him it wouldn't be so bad - he'd be encircled by family members and it would be like he was in his own little room during the whole thing. He thought that was pretty cool. After the confirmation was finished he sat down by me and leaned over to whisper, "Mom, I feel all tingly." Oh, melt my heart! He'd been waiting for that moment for so long! In that moment I knew that he knew what he had done was right.
Logan, you had so many friends, family members and even your primary teacher there to see you get baptized and confirmed. You can look to any of them as an example to follow. They can all answer your questions about the gospel and Heavenly Father's plan for us.Logan, you were such a great example to your younger brother and sister on your baptism day. They look up to you and will follow in your footsteps. Keep choosing the right and they will choose the right too! You made the right choice to be baptized and Heavenly Father is happy you chose to follow the example of our Savior.
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