Here are some interesting tidbits about this award if you've never heard of it before (I took this info from the award website - click HERE to read more about it: "The program identifies and honors many of the state's exemplary and inspiring public schools with the California Distinguished School Award. Although participation is voluntary, the award is highly sought after by schools in all regions of the state. Approximately five percent of California's public schools are selected each year."
The California Distinguished School representatives always make a visit to the school to check things out and see if the school really does all the things their application says it does. The staff all came together and put together an awesome display of student work samples. They cleaned out the library and the entire room became a display area for project after project. The representatives were totally impressed with this excellent display.
The Vice Principal also organized a lovely catered luncheon and spiffed up the staff lunchroom for the occasion.
We didn't get any pictures of the outside grounds, but the custodial team did a great job prepping the aesthetic curb appeal of the school as well. They spent many hours planting flowers and scrubbing that school until it sparkled and shined.
The California Distinguished School team was impressed by all the efforts made to make their visit so comfortable. Two days later Jeremy got the phone call that, yes, they officially received the award. Woo!
Here they are at the awards ceremony in Anaheim. The first picture is of several staff members, Jeremy, and the superintendent of Fresno Schools. The second picture is Jeremy posing with the Fresno Unified Superintendent and the State of California Superintendent.
Good job to Jeremy and his staff for all their hard work.
Tell Jeremy "Awesome Job!" from us! That is a great accomplishment. I also love the pics of your D-land trip. It's a lot different sans kids. I'm glad you had a great time.
That's awesome Jeremy! It looks like you put a ton of work into it and it shows...thats a HUGE accomplishment. My school was in I think year 4, last year, of Program Improvement. HA! Congratulations!
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