Trevor is in 4th grade and that means class sizes are not capped at 20. His class has 39 students! Logan is in 2nd grade and his new teacher is Mrs. LOGAN. Ha! He thought that was the coolest to have the same name as his teacher! You can see here that Trevor was thrilled - or not. He gets the first day jitters more than our Logan boy. They are both excited to start school with Uncle Robb as their new principal.
On the other hand, mommy was thrilled to start the new school year. Summer is over (hallelujah!) and the kids are busy busy busy. No more morning fights over chores, no more 5 hour video game stints, no more complaining about having to sit and read for 20 minutes - school is a beautiful thing! Lizzie took this picture in the parking lot as we left the school. I think she definitely captured the moment.
Can I hear an "AMEN"?! That's what I'm talking about!
What a glorious, glorious day! H
Cute post, Jennifer. I feel the same way - I miss my big kids for a moment when they are first gone, then I drink up all that sweet peace and quiet!
Amen, glorious day, sweet peace and quiet, no matter how you say it, its all the bomb. :) Yea for school!
Public school could be the most fabulous invention ever. I am thrilled to see summer come to an end. One more week and I might've ended up in the looney bin somewhere...It was such a glorious day that I took myself to 7-11 for an extra large diet Coke. Then, my day was truly fabulous.
Ha ha! I love all the comments. It's true though. Even the kids were happy to go back. I think we were all sick of each other. 2 down 2 to go. I just can't wait till they get used to the routine and aren't so grouchy from a long day at school.
Gosh - Looking at those pictures they scream out - We are Wards - they sure look like their dad =)
39 KIDS? Holy cow! Thats almost twice my class!
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