Tuesday, October 9, 2007

A Window to Our Lives

Here are some great quotes from the kids from the past week to provide all with a comical glimpse of some interactions with the kids.

Lizzie: I furt my hoot!

Logan: Come here dad you crazy foo!

Jennifer: Tell Emily thank you for the fun birthday party.
Lizzie: Thank you for the pun farty!
(Ya, we think there may be a problem here too)

Trevor: Mom, I had diarrhea two times today. Did you know I have had diarrhea since Easters (see Nacho Libre)

Jeremy: Trevor hurry and get your shoes tied were almost there!
Trevor: Said the cranky man while he was driving down the road.

Jackson: guhlah guhlah aaaaahhhhhhhhh

Lizzie: Mommy can I marry you?
Jennifer: Sure biz.

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