This one picture is a preview of what was the greatest moment of an incredibly long week. It started out great, but quickly went downhill. Here's the breakdown:
THE GOOD:32 children
18 adults
15 fish caught
10+ fishing poles
7 kayaks
7 fabulous home cooked dinners
6 equally delicious breakfasts (mmmm.... ebelskivers....)
3 easy ups
2 cooking stoves
2 nights of Smores
1 boat, raft, & knee board
1 water trampoline
1 karaoke night - complete with 4 dads singing YMCA
1 glorious night of fireworks on the lake
500 waterballoons + 2 launchers = a great fight
THE BAD:11 sick children
6 sick adults
6 COLD nights
3 doctor visits
THE UGLY:5+ sleepless nights
1 case of pneumonia
1 car accident
1 set of keys locked in the car
1 flat tire
The video will be posted next week - wait for it.... (it will surely look like we all had a GREAT time - which, for the most part, the non-sick people DID have a great time).