It was an up and down year trying to juggle all of his different activities. He learned which ones he liked and which ones he didn't. Trumpet made the "challenging" list. Learning to play an instrument takes lots of time and practice - both of which suffered this year. He liked being a part of the band, he likes his music teacher, and being able to get out of class.
He did great in his end of the year concert. He really looks great behind that trumpet!

Here's Trevor's cousins, Emma and Jacob, and his buddy Jacob E. All of these kids were also on Trevor's D.I. team, in the school play, in his primary class at church, and in his cub scout troop. These kids will be best buds for a long time.
Here's their band playlist.
Next up was the choir. This extra curricular activity is Trevor's #1 FAVORITE! He loves to sing! (This fact makes me burst with pride!) Their director chose to do a small tribute to the Jackson 5 as part of their Spring curriculum. There was some choreography and they sang to a recorded track. It's always a great performance when you can tell your kid is totally enjoying himself up there!
It has been a great year. Can't wait to see what he chooses to do next year.
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