Lizzie lost her first tooth last night. It's been wiggly and loosening over the last month or so. You can even see in the picture where her new tooth is growing in! She showed us how she could bend it "all the way down" just before we had family prayer and bedtime. Daddy got one look at that and said, "We're doin' this right now." He got a wad of paper towels and yanked it right out. She didn't even cry!
Lizzie lost her first tooth at a younger age than any of our other kids so far. Maybe that's just a girl thing? Trevor was in kindergarten (Lizzie starts school in 9 days!) and Logan didn't loose his first tooth until almost 1st grade!
She was totally pleased to find 2 new dollar bills under her pillow today (inflation is a killer!) and carried them around until they got lost. Lizzie has been talking with the slightest lisp today and it is adorable! Way to grow Lizzie!
Micah lost his 1st tooth at the very end of second grade, Jacob is going into 2nd and hasn't lost a tooth yet. You have early losers!
Now you are making me nervous... Kiah is getting to that age!
What a big girl! I'm gonna have to spank her now! : )
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