The kids were all up by 6:30 this morning. Showered. Dressed. And downstairs before 7AM. WOW. This will most likely never happen again. They were more eager for their first day of school than they let on. Lizzie was more excited than everyone - this was her first day of kindergarten!! She's been counting down the days since last week - much to her brother's disdain.
Daddy cooked up a mean breakfast of omelets and toast with homemade jam. Mmmm.

Our traditional first day of school pictures out front of our house:
Trevor 5th Grade, Logan 3rd Grade & Lizzie Kindergarten!

A little silliness....

And we were on our way!
At the school we met up with the other Wards. Their kids and our kids are all the same ages and *bonus* will all share a class with a cousin!

Jeremy and his brother Matt were also excited to be sharing their kids' first day experience. Jeremy (who works at a middle school) said, "Middle school is nothing like elementary school first day. This feels like a party!" They do look like 2 party animals, that's for sure.
Here's Lizzie just before she said, "Just go mom." I was out of there in 2 shakes - don't want to ruin her image on the first day after all.

Jackson was also all packed up and ready to go to school. He was sorely disappointed when we hopped back in the car to go home.

There were no tears this morning - from mommy or the kids. The boys are finally confident and well-grounded with a solid group of friends. Lizzie requested to be called "Elizabeth" at school - she feels so grown up! We're all looking forward to another packed year of school and extra activities.
Ah yes, the first day of school. This is the first year I have not gone "back to school" in 20+ years and I could not be happier. :)
Hang in there girl - only one more to go!!
p.s was it blue tie day?
I still can't believe Lizzie/Benny/Ryan are all 5 years old now and starting their school career. Ryan starts next Tuesday, he can't wait.
What a fun post! I see my nieces in the last pic...Nyssa and Kyra! Reagan right? You have adorable kids! Looks like they are going to have a great year!
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