Friday, January 23, 2009

my house is what?!

here's a story inspired by a post by the pollack family...

it was a cold frosty fresno morning. (about 2 weeks ago - can you believe it?!) i had gotten up early and switched the laundry. the kids rolled out of bed around 7 and began the school day morning routine. it's almost time to leave for the bus - a.k.a. CRUNCH TIME. i'm freaking out as usual, blood pumping, yelling reminders, packing lunches and sculpting hair spikes. 7:30AM some lady rings the doorbell again and again and again. ok. something must be wrong. i opened the door and the lady says, "i think your house is on fire - there's a lot of smoke coming out the roof." i knew EXACTLY what she was seeing - the dryer vent blowing steam! i reassured her that everything was fine and she went on her way. of course i shook my head at her silliness, and was mildly irritated that my morning routine had been knocked out of whack, but then felt guilty because stranger lady was just trying to save our lives after all! and what guts it would take to knock on a stranger's door. so to that woman i say, thank you for your kindness - that must have been some serious stream coming from our overworked dryer.


Pollock Palooza said...

Ha! I agree there are a lot of concerned neighbors out there, but now if we could work on their timing. Geez people!

sueyado said...

Your mornings sound like my mornings...except for the doorbell ringing! Thank goodness it wasn't fire! Whew!!!