The only family friendly movie that fit into our Tuesday schedule was the vibrantly colorful Rio.
This movie was made by the creators of the Ice Age movies. There is an Ice Age short just before the feature film begins. It was quite funny. That Scat (squirrely prehistoric creature) is a comedic character that we all muchly enjoyed.
Here's what we liked about Rio:
1. It had GREAT music! We'll be downloading several songs from the soundtrack for sure.
2. The colors were so vibrant
3. The setting was gorgeous - never been to Rio, but would like to see for myself if it is as fantastic as it was portrayed to be.
4. It was fun to hear a star studded cast of animated characters: will.i.am, Anne Hathaway, Jesse Eisenberg (The Social Network guy), George Lopez, Tracy Morgan, Jaime Foxx, Jayne Lynch.
Here's what we disliked about Rio:
1. The story was only ok. Not super engaging.
2. There were some skanky costumes towards the end (they go to Carnival in Rio) It seemed sort of inappropriate to watch a character in a children's movie walking around in a bikini.
We give this movie 2 1/2 drooling bulldogs out of 5.
Go see this movie if you're up for a family friendly experience. But take care to go to the $3 theater.
Don't go see this movie if you dislike talking animals, great music, or if you plan to just rent it at Red Box for free.
Or, just watch the Ice Age short and download the soundtrack from iTunes.
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