About 2 months ago Buffy decided what she wanted on her birthday - a midnight premiere showing of ECLIPSE! All of us mamas (that are usually in bed and sleeping by 10PM) decided to brave the twilight fever crowds and do this crazy thing! It was a late night for sure, but so much fun. We rarely get out with just the girls, but all of our hubbies and babies were at home sleeping so we felt no guilt staying out late just enjoying our time together!
We've all read (and re-read) the Twilight books. Some of us are Team Edward and some are Team Jacob. Some are both. But we all agree that the books are so much better than the movies. It has been fun to see our favorite characters come to life on the big screen. And we all agreed that this movie was the best so far of the 3.
The acting was better. The hair was better. The fight scenes were better. It was all around better than the first 2 movies. And that tent scene was great. When the 2 guys finally hash out their feelings for Ms. Bella. Oh, it was classic. My favorite line of the show: "Let's face it... I am hotter than you."
If you like the books then see the movie. You'll love it. If you can't stand vampires or are repulsed by this twilight phenomenon then it's not for you. I give it 4 hand carved wooden wolf bracelets out of 5. Or is that 4 heart shaped diamond bracelets out of 5? Either way, it was
almost perfect.
Here's the trailer just in case you haven't seen it yet.
My favorite line, "Do you even own a shirt?"
I just saw it last week and LOVED it! I went with some girlfriends from high school.
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