Poor Lizzie. Friday night Trevor, Logan and Lizzie attended the Pump it Up party of Josh Campbell. Somehow in all the fun, Lizzie got her pinky toe wedged in the side of one of the inflatable play gyms and totally broke it. You can see the result of the break down below in the x-ray. Notice how the bone is not a continuous line but slides over to the right about half way up.

As a result, the greater part of Saturday was spent at urgent care where the doctor did his best to snap it back in place. Lizzie was very brave crying only when she realized that she was going to have to get a shot (3 actually). I thought that Jennifer was going to pass out when the doc was putting all his power into her toe to snap it back in place. He was pulling so hard I actually had to pull in the opposite direction on her leg to keep Lizzie on the table. Luckily her foot was numb and she could not feel a thing. As a result, Lizzie's foot and Jennifer's face turned blue. Lizzie was smiling when the doc was done, but Jennifer looked like she was going to toss her cookies. Afterwards, we told her that she deserved a treat for being so brave. She choose Carl's Jr. chicken stars.

Hard to believe, but this is the first break in our family. Jennifer and I have (knock on wood) never broken a bone and she is the first child of the four to do so. Hopefully we didn't just open the floodgates...
Ouch is right! Glad you both survived. :)
Ha ha, I was just going to say, "Ouch is right!" We have never had a break in our family, me and Ty included. Poor Lizzie, I hope she at least got to enjoy most of the party before that happened.
I don't think I would have handled watching that very well either. Glad she's doing good.
Poor Lizzie Lou. I am glad to see that she has her daddy waiting on her hand and foot...that's how it should be.
Poor Lizzie! That looks painful! And to think... it wasn't one of the boys!!! Crazy!
Having just experienced our family's first broken bone, I can honestly say how sad and sorry I am!!! Poor Lizzy! That looks so painful! Daniel's broken finger is pretty painful, and Lizzy's looks even worse! I hope she gets relief soon! Isn't it crazy how we as moms feel our children's pain? I hope you are ok as well, Jennifer!
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