Monday, June 30, 2008
breakfast cuties
Sunday, June 29, 2008
A Day at the Farm
Saturday, June 28, 2008
Little Lucy Lou
Thursday, June 26, 2008
Soakin it all in
Emma and Maddy made a great sign to show the players. Coach Batesole got all the people in his cart to check it out. It was a very proud moment for Matt. The photographer for Fresno Magazine stopped to take a few pictures of the kids and get names.
Oh and for Kristen and Julio, yes you will be hearing about this for the rest of your life. Shoulda been a Bulldog!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Gotta Love Those Dogs!

Being a Fresno State fan is not always easy. Matt and I have often said over the years that the bulldogs are the only thing that ever broke our hearts. That was not the case today. Today was a great day, the greatest day ever to be a Bulldog fan. Lowest seed in NCAA history to win a championship IN ANY SPORT. Incredible. My favorite quote of the night came from pitcher Justin Wilson,

Thank you Bulldogs for the great ride.
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Nameless Recognition
I came to work on Monday to find my school totally trashed with art style paint all over the school. Tagged, splattered, dumped all over. One of the more unfortunately aspects of my job. Believe it or not, this kind of stuff does not happen very often at my school, but when it does it sure feels good to find the individuals responsible. Fortunately for us, these guys did it all in front of one of the many cameras on campus. Not too bright. Check out the article below. It is amazing how much damage can be done in such a little amount of time. Even more amazing is how much time and effort it takes to clean it all up... |
3 boys held in vandalism Three boys, 12, 13 and 15 years old, were booked into Fresno County Juvenile Detention Facility on suspicion of burglary and felony vandalism Monday after a break-in at Sequoia Middle School, Fresno police reported.
Damages at the school at 4050 E. Hamilton were estimated at more than $5,000, Sgt. Mark Hudson said. The damages took place Sunday night after vandals broke into the art room and used paint to cause graffiti damage throughout the school.
A school vice principal reviewed school video surveillance tapes and discovered that one of the juveniles attended summer school and was in class. After calling the student into the office, the vice principal discovered the identity of the other two juveniles and notified police.
Nice Shoes!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Father's Day 2008
We tried to get a great "Father and kids" picture before we left for church, this was the best picture out of the 12 or so that I took.
These kids love their daddy something fierce! He is a rock star when he comes home from work every day. "Daddy will you jump with me?" "Daddy will you swim with me?" "Daddy can we work on my boat for cub scouts now?" "Daddy this, Daddy that" that's all we hear until bedtime. And he is so good - he never denies their requests. He always swims or jumps or works on projects as they ask. He loves to spend time with them just as much as they love the attention. He is the best daddy around and we all love him to pieces. Happy Father's Day, babe. You rock.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
A San Francisco Treat
Our first stop was to the San Francisco Exploratorium. The kids ATE. IT. UP. They were totally enthralled with each and every interactive display. There really was something for everyone - check out Jackson with the toilet/drinking fountain display - he was diggin' it. We highly recommend this place for families of all ages.
We stopped in Chinatown for a quick sight-see and souvineer. The kids were so excited to visit this place. I don't know quite what they were expecting, but it met and exceeded their expectations. We took them into a little gift shop and they were in hog heaven. It took them almost an hour to finally decide what they wanted to buy. Jackson was loving this broom. He really does love to sweep - I know, that's weird, but he thinks it's the best thing ever. He picked it out for himself.

On our way over to the stadium, Jeremy decided to take us on a little journey through the streets of San Francisco. The picture doesn't do it justice, but the steepness of this road was almost unbearable! The kids thought it was great and mommy was freaking out!
We got to the stadium about 30 mintues before the game and had time to go get dinner. That ballpark dinner cost us a small fortune, but we were all happy and full after we'd eaten. I had never been to the new AT&T park before and was amazed by the grandeur of it all. Our seats were pretty high up there and from where we sat it looked like the whole stadium would topple over into the water. The kids got restless about an hour into the game so we walked the stadium and had fun on the attractions for the kids. We stayed till the very end of the game trying to enjoy every moment before we hopped in the car to go home.
It was a good day. Good kids. Good times. We hope they'll remember this day for the rest of their lives. That's why we do these things for our kids after all.
Do you remember your first baseball game?
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Baby Lucy is Here!
Kelly and Julio, we are so happy for your new addition. You are already great parents. Enjoy these first moments - she will be fresh and new for such a short time. Love to you THREE.
Here's a little slideshow of Lucy modeling all her baby bows. There is nothing cuter than a baby girl with a huge bow on her small head.
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Jackson Strikes Again
Monday, June 9, 2008
Kung Fu Jack Black!

Our favorite quote from the movie, "Treat each day as a gift. That's why they call it the present." How awesome is that? A little uplifiting message sandwiched into your entertainment - you can't beat that.
We stayed through most of the credits and were surprised that we didn't recognize more of the big names... Jack Black (he MADE the movie - his humor was perfect for animation), Dustin Hoffman, Angelina Jolie, Lucy Liu and Jackie Chan.
We totally recommend this movie to families of all ages. We'll probably go see it again - it was that good. We give it 5 dumplings out of 5.
Saturday, June 7, 2008
He did it again
First we had the computer keys incident. Click here to read that post if you missed it.
Then there was yesterday... Mr. Jackson Boy was at it again. (Let me tell you the preface to this story first... About a month ago Jackson got out our nice Kitchen Aid blender to play with. This is a GLASS JAR blender people. Of course he dropped it and watched it shatter into a million pieces. A month and $35 later, I repaced the jar and now we have a blender again.) So I had our "new" blender up on the counter. Safe. Out of the 2 year old reach. Yeah right. He pushed up a bench. Climbed up onto the counter and slid the blender over for easy access. He took all of my fresh, made from scratch banana chocolate chip muffins and shoved them all into the blender. I happened upon him a few minutes after he filled the blender with muffins and screeched when I saw what he was doing. Luckily there was no breaking of the new blender. He was play cooking and was not in destructive mode after all. Thank heavens! But the muffins were in a sad state after I rescued them from the blender - hey, the kids needed an after school snack later - did you think I'd chuck them?
So today was yet another story all together. I was folding laundry upstairs, again. I ran down the stairs to grab something and this awful - yet sweet - smell hit my nose. It was the stench of maple syrup. (I cannot stand maple syrup - I don't know why - I must've had a bad experience with it somewhere in my past.) Our living room is at the bottom of the stairs and as I turned I saw wet marks all over the ottoman. I put my nose to it and yep! You guessed it - syrup. My eyes followed a wet trail from the ottoman and saw that it was EVERYWHERE, dripped all the way through the kitchen to the front door. We have our awesome brick floor that disguises all messes, but I was panicky and frantic as I realized how easily this mess could go from big to monstrous. One little step in the syrup could leave sticky footprints ALL over the house! My emotions got the better of me and the tears flooded. I was so frustrated with all the annoying messes my sweet Jackson could conjure up and was exhausted with trying to keep up with it all. I ran back up the stairs and told Jeremy what had happened (I think I may have had a crazed look in my eye because he jumped up from his afternoon siesta and came to my rescue immediately.) We scrubbed and mopped and scrubbed and mopped, but if you come over I'm sure you'll smell a faint maple air freshener scent.
So, I would like to know... does this happen to anyone else? Does your 2 year old do something aggravating every day and several times a day? I really do try to be a good mom, but seriously - how am I supposed to get stuff done if I'm following him around ALL DAY LONG?
Sorry for the rant - I think I'm still trying to recover from the permeating maple syrup stench that's stuck in my nose. Oh, and sorry, no pictures this time - it just didn't feel like a kodak moment at the time.
Friday, June 6, 2008
These boys are big time
Logan earned writer of the month for May. His teacher says he is so creative and has such great content in his stories when he writes.
Trevor received Honor Roll for the first time ever, I think. He worked so hard this last quarter (due mostly to the incentives laid out by Jeremy) to get all A's and B's.
The most rewarding part of this whole award ceremony is the looks on the boys' faces. They know they've accomplished something great and they are proud of themselves. We are so proud of both of our school boys. They try hard and do their best. What a great way to end the year. Way to go boys!
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Terrible twos are TERRIBLE!
AH! Those were not Legos in his bag! They were computer keyboard keys and parts! Needless to say, I was FREAKING OUT. First of all I could see my whole day going down the drain for his few minutes of destruction. And secondly (yes, I thought of myself first and my husband second - awful, I know.) this computer isn't even ours! It belongs to FUSD. He loves to pop off those little keys - they make such a good popping sound when they fly off. I've had to repair laptops before when he's pulled off only a few keys and it's taken FOR-EV-ER. Those tiny little white plastic pieces are a nightmare to put back together.
So I freaked out a little more and scoured the 3 foot area where he worked this thing and collected as many pieces as I could find. I sat down to piece this puzzle back together and realized the first 2 keys took about 10 minutes! How long was this going to take?! I had to find a picture of the exact same keyboard online - do you know where all the keys go on a laptop? Not all keyboards are created equal - I'll tell you that right now. My fingers found their groove and it only took a total of about 45 minutes all together. So here I type on my newly put back together keyboard and I notice that not all the keys feel just right. Maybe I didn't find all the pieces after all.
This is only one of our many "Jackson Monster" stories. Remember this one with the toilet and floor repair. Oh yes, and how many fish has he killed in our little fish tank? Who knows! Do you have a two-year-old moment like this one?
So in the last 10 minutes that I've taken to type up this post Jackson emptied an entire box of Cocoa Pebbles onto the kitchen floor and dumped buckets of toilet water onto the floor in the upstairs bath. All I can say is thank heavens for naptime!