The Goo-gah is actually a loner blanket from Uncle Samuel. How old is Samuel, you ask? 26 years old, baby. And that's how old this blanket is. Samuel has graciously let us borrow his baby blankie for Jackson to use at his leisure. Unfortunately that blanket has seen a lot of love and it's beginning to show. That thing has been washed so many times that the fabric is almost see through. It is coming apart at the seams so part of the batting is exposed. Let's face it folks, that thing is old and worn. (This is Samuel when he was just about Jackson's age. What a cutie!)

Jackson's obsession goes a little further than just the blankie. He loves that thin worn cotton. He rubs it between his fingers while he sucks the fingers on his other hand. See picture:
Any thin nylon fabric will also appease his fettish - like my underclothes, for example. I cut up a bunch of my old slips for him that I don't wear anymore. He drags those things around till they are brown and nasty and completely unrecognizeable from the white fabric that they once were. And when he cannot find his Goo-gah or his piece of slip fabric he goes straight to mama - because mama always has what he's looking for. He tugs at my shirt hem or just dives his hand down the front of my shirt till he gets his hand on some silkies. He always seems to do this "diving for silkies" at the most opportune moments - like at church or while I'm talking to someone that does not already know about his fettish. There's nothing quite like sitting in sacrament meeting with your son's entire arm down the front of your shirt. Nice.
Well, I think that's quite enough information about Jackson's self-soothing habits. Hopefully he'll be able to look back and enjoy this post when he's older...
Hi Jen!
I loved this post, it reminds me of Kate and her "whale" she has this stuffed animal thats a whale and she has to put her finger thru the tag of it and suck her thumb! one time the tag fell off and i had to cut off the tag to her jammies and sew it on cuz it was the same "feel" as the other tag! One day its gonna fall off for GOOD! luv ya,Amie
Haylie has a silky fetish too! When she was a baby, she would play with the silky tags on her toys - rather than actually playing with the toys. I've made her a couple of taggy blankets with silky tags and she won't go anywhere without them. Jackson might like that too - you know - if that blanket kicks the bucket any time soon.
Do you mind if I put a link to your blog on mine?
I think most kids have something similar to Jackson's Goo-gah thang. I've never heard of a "tag" fettish like your Kate. That one was interesting. Hope you guys are doing well.
so that was me, jennifer, not jeremy that made the last comment.
kristie - how funny that your haley and amie's kate both enjoy the tags. funny coincidence. and yes, put the link to our blog - i'll do the same!
So cute! Micah and Ben can't seem to get their hands away from everyone's hair! The hand down the shirt isn't quite as bad. When Micah started kindergarten we had to try and keep him from rubbing the heads of random children.
At least he's still small enough that it's not disturbing :) Brendan (age 9) loves to pinch the fat on my upper arm - or anyone who happens to be around standing close by. His teacher at school, the lady in front of us in line at the store...
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