Jackson's bday dinner (hot dogs - his favorite!) We had a few extra bodies that night so we decided to make it a par-tay! It's always a party with the cousins...
A birthday brownie...
The big gift was something he picked out himself. We were at WalMart one day and he rode that thing through the whole store. Wasn't he surprised when mommy plopped it on the counter and purchased it! I love it when they are old enough to tell me what they like...
A little after-dinner teeter-totter action (we call it the toe cruncher)...
Sunday was the BIG FAMILY PARTY. The Durans, Wards and Givens families all got together to celebrate Jackson's and Maddy's Birthdays. Let me count... there were about 45 people here! 

Thomas and Amy
Marcos and Melody
Uncle Samuel with Trevor and Zachary
Gramma Darlin'
Daddy and Logan puttin' on a silly face...
A birthday cupcake...
PRESENTS!!! Jackson got everything his little heart desires - trucks, trucks, and trucks. (Mommy got some of her desires too - some totally cute new summer clothes!)
Notice the fancy wrapping paper behind us. That's my mom's trademark (Grandma Elizabeth). She always wraps our bday presents in leftover Christmas wrap. I'm proud to say that I carry on that tradition - although our kids haven't noticed the difference yet.
The bubble machine was a hit with all the kiddies!
The best gift of the night - a plunger! Anyone want a giant tummy hickey???
So the annual physical is not really a celebration per sey, but check out his numbers! He's in the 50th percentile for height and weight. That's way up from the 10th percentile he was in the entire 1st year of his life. Way to grow Jackson!

1 comment:
Jennifer, I love your hair! It always looks really cute.
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